About Circles

About Circles

Circles is a secure social network app. It has the familiar look and feel of a social network like Facebook, MySpace, Google+, etc. But behind the scenes, it works like an encrypted messenger app, encrypting every post to keep its users safe from creeps, data miners, and censors.

Circles was originally designed primarily for parents of small children. Young parents often want to share lots of photos of their little ones, but they are also highly sensitive to the risks of over-sharing online. However, the basic technology that young parents can use to protect their kids is the same tech that everyone else should use to protect themselves and their loved ones. Circles is for everyone and every type of family.

Circles Project History

The Circles project was originally started by Charles Wright as a sabbatical project in 2020. Since joining FUTO in 2022, the team has grown and we have added an Android version of the app. We have also re-written the original iOS app from the ground up to be faster and more reliable.